Spring 2020 Classes and Workshops!

Writing Textures with Denise Lach, calligraphy at Society of Scribes NYC

Dates for Spring 2020 Classes/Workshops

Registration for all classes and February workshops are now open! Registration for remaining workshops will open 7:00am on January 31st for members and 24 hours later for general public. Want in on early access? Join us!


Copperplate Intensive with Marcy Robinson – Saturday and Sunday, February 8 and 9
Italic 1 with Eleanor Winters 5 Saturdays, starting February 22
Copperplate with Elinor Holland – 4 Sundays, starting March 1
Italic 2 with Eleanor Winters – 3 Saturdays, starting April 4
Intro to Copperplate with Laura Di Piazza – Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31


Finish That Thing! Part 1 with Anna Pinto – Saturday, February 8
Writing Textures with Denise Lach (pictured above) – Saturday and Sunday, March 7 and 8
The Art of Chalkboard Lettering with Cora Pearl – Saturday and Sunday, March 21 and 22
Annual General Meeting with Lynne Yun – Friday, March 27
Polish Your Penmanship with Kathy Milici – Sunday, March 29
Art Nouveau Letters with Paul Shaw – Saturday, April 4
The Calligrapher’s Process with Rick Paulus – Saturday and Sunday, April 25 and 26
Designing Flourishes with Lynne Yun – Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17
Fraktur with Ethan Cohen – Sunday, June 14

Coming Fall 2020

Julie Wildman

Coming Spring 2021

Jurgen Vercaemst, Suzanne Cunningham

Visit our Classes page for more information!

*All dates & events are subject to change until officially posted

(Artwork by Denise Lach)

Chavelli Tsui

Designer and calligrapher passionate about traveling and tasting the world.


The Art of Chalkboard Lettering: Saturday and Sunday, March 21 and 22, 2020


Dancing in the Night: Sunday, December 8