Holiday Fair 2019! Sunday, November 24

Society of Scribes Holiday Fair 2019 - Artwork by Marcy Robinson

The Society of Scribes Annual Holiday Fair!  

Sunday, November 24, 2019 from 11am to 3:30pm 
The Brotherhood Synagogue, 28 Gramercy Park South
(20th Street between 3rd Avenue & Irving Place)
$5 Admission/Free with Student ID

Join us for the event of the year, celebrating calligraphy and our love of hand-lettering and hand-made treasures! This year’s Fair will feature both new and traditional attractions: * Paper & Ink Arts on-site calligraphy boutique * New Vendors * Rubber stamps & papercrafting supplies from The Ink Pad * Annette Fleischman Watercolors * Susan Gaylord * Debra Block Krol Wearable Art * New Mini-Scriptoriums * Raffles with Fabulous Gifts * Calligraphy demonstrations * Plus lots more to see and do! We will continue to update this post so please check back for the latest info…

NEW: The SoS Cafe Bake-Off Competition! Contact Ann Shoskes if you would like to participate. Submissions must be received at the Synagogue by 11:00 o’clock on the day of the Fair to be considered for the Competition. However, all baked items would be appreciated during the day. No meat products, please. Our judging panel will consist of three judges. The winner will receive a $50 gift certificate from Paper & Ink Arts.

You can see pictures from Holiday Fair 2017 here and here.

Join us for a Mini-Scriptorium!
Three 1-hour sessions, running consecutively, beginning at 11:30 am
Embossing/Debossing – Chavelli Tsui
Uncial – Marcy Robinson
Color Magic – Barry Morentz
Demonstrations throughout day: Braille with Cynthia Dantzic, Copperplate/Arabic with Elinor Holland, Watercolor with Leslie Watkins, Chinese Brush with Jim Zhang (all times/topics subject to change)

Volunteers! We need your help to make the Holiday Fair a success. Please call 212.452.0139 or email

Donations! We will have a Donations Table if you have gently-used calligraphy and art supplies that are in need of a good home.

Paper & Ink Arts: Please pre-order by November 18 to pick up at the Fair! (some restrictions apply, please see below) **

** Online Paper & Ink Arts orders need to specify in the comments section “SoS Holiday Fair Pickup” and shipping costs will be removed after the order is placed.
Items not included in the pickup this year:
• Large full & half single sheets of paper
• Lightpads
• Easels
• Plexiglass
• Lamps
• Cutting mats
• The Saint John’s Bible Books
(Orders including these items requesting pickup will have that item canceled off their order and will be notified by phone/email.)

(Holiday Fair artwork by Marcy Robinson)

Chavelli Tsui

Designer and calligrapher passionate about traveling and tasting the world.

Dancing in the Night: Sunday, December 8


More Fall Workshops!