POSTPONED: 2020 Annual General Meeting with Lynne Yun

Flourishing calligraphy by Lynne Yun

Due to Covid-19, we will re-schedule this talk and meeting when it is safe to do so. Please stay tuned!

“The History & Art of Flourishing” with Lynne Yun

Friday, March 27, 2020 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Lecture begins at 6:30 pm
The National Arts Club, Marquis Gallery
15 Gramercy Park South (between Park Avenue and Irving Place)

Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Flourishes have been around for as long as humans have been writing. Observed from as far back as correspondence letters written in Roman cursive and evolving into the modern typographic swash capitals, their histories have run a wide gamut. Considering the kinæsthetic nature of flourishing, perhaps it was simply inevitable that we would extend the flowing line of letterforms — after all, who could resist embellishing a signature with graceful curves? We will take a sweeping look at the history of flourishing, discuss its modern applications, and ways in which we can critically look at flourished compositions. We will examine how to break down their construction, view them in individual elements, and discuss what makes flourishes appeal to modern eyes.

Afterwards, there will be a short general meeting and election of the new board.