Remembering Jerry Tresser

Longtime Society of Scribes member Jerry Tresser passed away in November, 2022. Jerry was a well-known presence in the calligraphy community thanks to his gilding expertise.

Originally a forensic detective, in the early 1980s Jerry turned his attention to the art of gilding, becoming so immersed in the subject that he eventually taught workshops throughout the US. But his interest went far beyond teaching and extended to an in-depth exploration of the myriad types of adhesives, from classic Cennini gesso to gum ammoniac, Ormoline, Liquitex Gesso, gold powders, and just about any medium that would allow the gold to stick. His intensive, dedicated studies culminated in the publication of his book “The Technique of Raised Gilding.”  To the delight of the calligraphic community Jerry opened an online shop selling an immense variety of gold leaf, burnishers, adhesives and the latest inks. 

I ordered 24K gold leaf he imported from Belgium, and it is unquestionably the best, most brilliant gold leaf I have used in my 45 year career. But my phone conversations with Jerry never ended with the mere placement of an order — he always had a new tidbit about materials or a description of what he found while experimenting with different materials! Jerry will be remembered fondly by the legions of scribes who benefited from his knowledge, his passion, and his expertise.          

— Barry Morentz