Call for Proposals!


Society of Scribes is excited to announce our next big event, Spring Fest, on June 6, 2021! It will be an afternoon of virtual fun, featuring demos, lectures and workshops centered around calligraphy and related arts and disciplines.

Our community is full of talented creatives in the field of lettering arts. With Spring Fest 2021 we want to spotlight not only familiar faces who are well-established, but the voices and perspectives of calligraphers who have something new, unique and different to bring to the table.

With that said, we are putting a call out for proposals! Presentations on calligraphy or calligraphy-adjacent matters—such as hand-lettering, gilding, layout and design, typography, history and more—are now being accepted until March 15, 2021. Every proposal will be reviewed by a blind selection process in an effort to bring you a diverse group of presenters and topics. We are excited to bring you another afternoon of learning and creativity!

→ For more info and to submit, please visit our Spring Fest page!