The Internet Age: 21st Century Calligraphy
Panelists: Elinor Holland, Lynne Yun, David Chang and Jessie Fora
Moderator: Paul Shaw
Join us on Sunday, January 19th at 12:00pm via ZOOM for Paul Shaw’s third and last lecture in his three-part series! For this lecture, Paul will focus on the current position of Society of Scribes and calligraphy in general in the Internet Age.
Paul Shaw will be the lead presenter and moderator. Among the topics that will be explored are the global spread of calligraphy, the increasing interest in non-Latin writing systems and asemic writing, the impact of the computer on making calligraphy, and the role of the Internet in making calligraphy more widely accessible.
The holiday season is approaching and we've got our beloved annual tradition, the Society of Scribes Holiday Fair coming up on Sunday, December 8!
Please join us for a day of calligraphy, letters and festive fun with our wonderful community. All are welcome—this isn't just a members only thing!—and we are excited to see you all, whether to reconnect or meet you for the first time.